
How can one attain Liberation | Sat Granth Sahib

Book: Sat Granth Sahib Page: '423-427' Author: Saint Garibdas Ji One can win over one’s mind by doing jaap of this Satnaam. Without its acquisition, even if a person is as learned as Brahma, he will remain under the subjugation of mind. Then a Complete Guru will convey one across by giving Saarnaam and Saarshabd. Excerpt from Sat Granth Sahib [...] Read more

Does Worshipping require one to stay Celibate and Renounce Home

Question: - What is superior - to renounce home for doing bhakti or doing bhakti while staying at home? Answer: - One will attain salvation by doing scripture-based worship after taking initiation from a Complete Guru and abiding by the code of conduct of bhakti throughout one's life. If we will renounce home and go to the forest, then we will [...] Read more