
Does Worshipping require one to stay Celibate and Renounce Home

Question: - What is superior - to renounce home for doing bhakti or doing bhakti while staying at home?

Answer: - One will attain salvation by doing scripture-based worship after taking initiation from a Complete Guru and abiding by the code of conduct of bhakti throughout one's life. If we will renounce home and go to the forest, then we will have to again come to the village or city at the door of a householder for food. To prevent ourselves from hot or cold weather and rain, we will have to build some hut. We will have to also beg for clothes. That again became a home. Therefore, stay at home. Do true worship; your salvation is certain. Whether one marries or not, both can attain salvation by doing bhakti. Many people say that bhakti can only be done in a celibate life. Its answer is that both can attain salvation by doing true worship according to the scriptures.

Example: - We believe that Devotee Dhruv and Devotee Prahlad attained salvation. Both of them had married. They had children too. Prahlad's son was Bailochan. His grandson was King Bali who had performed hundred yagyas. God acquiring the Bavana form had asked for three paces of land in donation from him. Those who say that only celibate people are eligible for salvation should ponder that eunuchs are forever celibate, so they must be even more eligible.

By doing true worship, eunuchs, celibate, householders and women all attain salvation.

Sant Garibdas ji has explained the knowledge of Kabir Ji that: -

Garib, dere daandae khush raho, khusre lahein na moksh | Dhruv-Prahlad paar huye, fir dere (home) mein kya dosh ||1
Garib, kele ki kopeen hai, phool-paat-phal khaayin | Nar ka mukh nahin dekhte, basti nikat nahin jaayin ||2
Garib, ve jungle ke rojh hain, jo manushyon bidke jaahin | Nish din firo ujaad mein, yun Saayin paavae naahin ||3
Garib, gaadi baaho ghar raho, kheti karo khushhaal | Saayin sir par raakhiye, sahi bhakt Harlal ||4 

Meaning: - The essence of speech no. 1 has been described above.

Meaning of Speech no. 2-3: - Some people were saying that - 'We went to mountains and jungles in the search of saints. In one place, a sage used to live in a jungle. The nearby villagers were saying about him that, that sage ties a loin-cloth of banana leaves on his private parts, and eats leaves-fruits-flowers in the jungle. He does not even come near the village. He does not even see the face of a human being. If he sees anyone, he runs speedily into the jungle. People were saying that whoever sees him becomes wealthy. For many days, to obtain a sight of him we went to the jungle in the morning and stayed till the evening. One day, we saw his back as he was running away. If we had obtained a sight of him, it would have been very lucky for us.' Just think, such a person is a criminal who is masquerading to escape from the police. Sant Garibdas ji has given the title of a 'Rojh' (Nilgai - blue bull) to such a person, who being frightened from human beings, keeps running here and there. Even if such people wander day and night in the jungles, they cannot attain God.

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