
How can one attain Liberation | Sat Granth Sahib

Book: Sat Granth Sahib
Page: '423-427'
Author: Saint Garibdas Ji

One can win over one’s mind by doing jaap of this Satnaam. Without its acquisition, even if a person is as learned as Brahma, he will remain under the subjugation of mind. Then a Complete Guru will convey one across by giving Saarnaam and Saarshabd.

Excerpt from Sat Granth Sahib composed by Garibdas Ji, page no. 423 to 427 and 431 to 437

Sau crore de yagya aahuti, tau jaagae nahin duniya sooti |
Karm Kaand urle vyavhaara, naam lagya so guru hamaara ||
Shankhaun guni muni mahmanta, koii na bujhae padki santha ||
Shankhaun mauni mudra dhaari, paavat naahi akal khumaari |
Shankhaun tapi japi aur jogi, koiin ami maharas bhogi ||
Shankhaun urdhavmukhi aakaasha, paavat naahi padhi nivaasa |
Shankhaun karae aachaar bichaara, soto jaahi dharm darbaara || 
Shankhaun bahu vidhi bhesh banaavae, saakshi bhoot koii nahin paavae | 
Shankhaun jogi jog juganta, paavat naahi padki santha || 
Shankhaun jati sati jari jaahi, so paavae nahin padki chhaanhi | 
Shankhaun daani bhugtae daana, paavat naanhi pad nirvana || 
Shankh ashvmegh khadi darbaara, hai koii humkoon tyaaran haara |
Shankhaun ganga aur kidaara, param padaarath insain nyaara ||
Shankhaun ved paath dhuni hoii, us padkoon baanchae nahin kaaii |
Teerath shankh nadi bahu bhaanti, va pad seti koii na raati ||
Shankhaun shaalig poojanhaara, koii na paavae pad deedaara ||
Garib, shaalig pooji duniya muii, pratima paani lag |
Chetan hoye jad poojahin, foote jinke bhaag ||81||
Shankhaun nemi nem karaanhi, bhakti bhaav birlae ur aanhi |
Us samarth ka sharna laere, chauda bhuvan koti jai jai re ||

In the above verses and quatrains, Garibdas Ji Maharaj, who is a disciple of Kabir Sahib, is saying that: -

Ignorant beings do not understand that it is useless even if you do crore yagyas, if you do not have the sachcha (true) naam and way of worship and refuge of the True (eternal) God (Sat Sahib). Millions of scholars, mahants (the superior of a monastry) and sages, out of their nature do not accept the truth (the true way of worship). Because of their false ego, they practice way of worship opposite to the injunctions of the scriptures, and go to hell. This is also evident in Gita Ji Adhyay 16 Shlok 23-24.

Millions of maunis (those who practice silence) and also all those who have obtained the five mudras (Chaanchri-Bhoochri, Khainchri-Agochri, Unmani) remain in Kaal’s trap. Infinite number of those who chant naams (only ‘Om’ naam or Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevay NamH, Om Namo Shivay, Radha Swami naam and the five naams – Omkaar, Jyoti Niranjan, Rarankaar, SohM, Satnaam jaap or other naams which are different from Holy Gita Ji and Holy Vedas and sacred speech of God Kabir Sahib Ji and the sacred speeches of other saints who attained God) and Tapasvi (ascetic) and yogis also are not completely liberated. They have not attained full benefit. Those who acquire various kinds of appearances (to wear different clothes like wearing saffron-coloured clothes, to keep matted hair or those who worship stones, to get head shaved, to become follower of various religious sects) and also those who say things for formality sake and do karmkaand (that part of bhakti of God which is baseless), millions of charitable persons, and those who do journey of Ganga-kidaarnaath, Gaya etc 68 sacred places or four dhaams (places of pilgrimage) also because of not having true knowledge of God, are not able to enjoy the benefit of the divine bliss. They can not become completely liberated. In Gita Ji Adhyay 11 Shlok 48, it is clearly said that Arjun, neither has anybody been able to see my, this actual Brahm (Kaal-Viraat) form, nor will anybody be able to see this in future. Because my this form (i.e attainment of Brahm-Kaal) can neither be seen by yagyas, nor by tap (austerity), nor by charity, nor by jap, nor by reading Vedas i.e. by the ordinances mentioned in the Vedas, nor by any other activities. In other words, God {Kaal, who is the Lord of the three loks and twenty-one brahmands, here} can not be attained by any way of worship. By the way of worship mentioned in Holy Gita Ji, one can attain siddhis (supernatural powers) and four salvations (in which there is different period of stay in heaven, and after staying for some time in the deity’s lok, then keep wandering in the 84-lakh births). In it Kaal (Brahm) God is saying that come in my refuge, I will liberate you. That Kaal (Brahm), on the basis of worship, keeps one in heaven for some more time, and then sends one to hell. Because it is said in Holy Gita ji that whatever actions a living being will perform (‘whatever’ means virtuous as well as sinful, both have to be borne), he will have to bear their results. Then, it is said that at the end of kalp (yug/age), living beings of all loks (upto Brahmlok) will get destroyed. At that time, heaven and hell will come to an end, and has said that I will recreate nature. Those living beings will then keep taking birth and dying on the basis of their (karmas) deeds. Then where is complete liberation?

Bhagavad Adhyay 9 Shlok 7 – it is clearly written in this that all the living beings will get destroyed at the time of destruction (pralay). Then, how will Arjun be saved? Therefore, Garibdas Ji Maharaj says that go in the reguge of that Purna Parmatma (Omnipotent God), Purna Brahm (Kabir Sahib), after attaining whom, your birth and death will end forever. You will become completely liberated. Bhagavad Gita also gives its evidence in Adhyay 18 Shlok 46, 62, 66, and Adhyay 8 Shlok 8, 9, 10, and Adhyay 2 Shlok 17.

SohM mantra kalp kidaara, amar kachh hoy pind tumaara ||
Om aadi anaadi leela, ya mantra main ajab kareela | 
SohM surati lagae sahnaana, tootae chauda lok bandhaana || 
Ram naam japi kari thir hoii, om SohM mantra doii |
Gagan mandal mein suni adhaari, shankhaun kalp lagi jug taari | 
Anant koti jaakae avtaara, ram Krishna thaade darbaara ||
Brahmavishnu aur Shankar jogi, anant koti rasiya ras bhogi | 
Paraanandni naad bajaavae, taas purush shir chaur dhuraaavae ||
Koti Ramayan Gita gaavaen, thaara Puraan padae chittlaavaen | 
Rig Yaju Saam Atharvan padiya, ekae paend pandit nahin chadiya || 
Divya drishtikoon darshan hoii, chaudaah bhuvan firaun kyaun na koii | 
Satguru bina surati nahin laagae, jarae marae kul dehi tyaagae || 
Satguru batlaavae thaur thikaana, ko maarae prbeen nishaana || 
Sukh nidhaan hai surati sanehi, prgat bolae purush videhi | 
Nijanand nirgun niHkaami, Pooran Brahm Paramguru swami || 
SohM surati nirati sain sevae, aap tarae aurankoon khevae | 
Paramhans veerya bistaara, Om mantra keenh uchaara || 
SohM surati lagaavae taari, Kaal balisain jaai na taari || 
Garib, Kaalbali kali khaat hai, santaun kaun prnaam | 
Aadi ant aadesh hai, taahi japae nij naam ||92|| 
Girivar nadi nivaasa, thaar bhaar banmaala | 
Om SohM shwaasa, karm kusangati kaala ||11|| 
Sukh sagar aananda, sumrath shabd sanehi | 
Metat hai duHkh dunda, pooran Brahm videhi ||13|| 
Om SohM moolM, Madhya salhali sootM | 
Binshat yauh asthoolM, nyaara pad anbhootM ||48|| 
Om SohM daalM, akanda beej ankoorM | 
Oogae kalaa kartarM, naad bind sur poorM ||49|| 
Om SohM seepM, swatiM bina kya hoii | 
Nipjat hai dil deepM, swati boond paroii ||51|| 
Sukach meen hoy sangi, moti sindhu pathaavae | 
Jhoothi preeti ikangi, Satguru shabd milaavae ||55|| 
Satya sukrit sangaati, chhaadi diya nij naama | 
Deval dhaamaun jaati, bhooli gaye auh dhaama ||79|| 
Shat shaastr sangeeta, pade banaras jaai | 
Pandit gyaani reeta, auh akshar ihaan naahi ||86|| 
Koti gyaan baki moova, Brahm randr nahin jaana | 
Jaise simbhal soova, sheesh dhuni pachhitaana ||87|| 
Karmkaand vyavhaara, deenha hoy so paavae | 
Nahin praan nistaara, bhavsagar mein aavae ||93||

The method of attaining that Omnipotent (Parmatma-Parmeshwar-Purna Brahm) is Satyanaam and Saarnaam. The role of Satyanaam (Om-SohM) is – ‘Om’ mantra makes one attain heaven and greatheaven; this is the magic of this mantra. Along with this, jaap of SohM mantra liberates one from the bondages of fourteen loks. Then after acquiring Saar Shabd one becomes completely liberated. One has to pay the debt of Kaal by ‘Om’ mantra, and if one does jaap of ‘SohM’ mantra along with this with one’s mind fixed on Saarnaam then he can not be stopped by Kaalbali (Brahm). That hans (soul) will get across. Without Saarnaam, there is no use of only ‘Om’ and ‘SohM’ mantra also. Like, consider ‘Om’ as the body of a seep (shell) and ‘SohM’ as the living being in the shell. If it does not get the Saarnaam-like ‘Swati’ (raindrop), it will not become salvation-like pearl. Leave Saarnaam, there is no jaap of ‘SohM’ in six shastras (Holy Scriptures), Gita Ji and in Vedas. Therefore, the scholars (Pandits), sages, seers, all are devoid of complete salvation and are not completely liberated.

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